We help organizations to optimize the integral water cycle
Achieve significant economic savings while contributing to environmental sustainability
How can we help you optimize the water cycle?
We help companies and Public Administrations to implement new technologies and operational improvements to optimize the water cycle, making a more sustainable use, while achieving significant economic savings for organizations.
Through our unique and endorsed methodology we help companies achieve significant economic savings while ensuring efficient and sustainable water management.
What can you achieve with a
water cycle optimization study?
water cycle optimization study?
We carry out comprehensive water cycle optimization studies to
- Reduce energy consumption
- Reduce water consumption
- Avoid unnecessary leaks and losses
- Reduce the effluent pollution load
- Reduce water charges
- Improve integrated water management
- Reducing inefficiencies in wastewater treatment systems
- Reduce losses in supply networks
- Meeting environmental objectives
- Increase process efficiency
Companies are not aware of the possibilities for improvement and the enormous savings potential that exists behind the optimization of the water cycle in their organizations. With our methodology to optimize the water cycle we make companies sustainable, economically and environmentally.
Stop wasting due to poor water cycle management!
Your organization does not carry out actions to optimize the integral water cycle, which results in a considerable increase in the associated costs?:
- Costs of water canon (Canon for supply and discharge).
- Costs of energy consumption associated with water.
- Costs for penalties due to non-compliance with discharge limits or quality objectives.
- Indirect costs due to leaks and unnecessary losses.
- Costs due to inefficiency in water treatment systems.

Why perform a
Water Cycle Optimization Study?
Water Cycle Optimization Study?
- Significant economic savings
- Reduction of water consumption
- Reduction in energy bills
- Reduction in water charges (both for discharge and consumption)
- Reduction of the pollutant load of discharges.
- Improving treatment systems by making them more efficient.
- Reduction of environmental sanctions
- Contribute to environmental sustainability
- Improve the image as a sustainable company
- To stand out from the competition with a green image in the eyes of an increasingly aware consumer.
Methodology and Qualified Personnel
For water cycle optimization studies we have a multidisciplinary team of specialized technicians with more than 30 years of experience in the sector.
In addition, we have specific software, both highly recognized commercial programs (WEST wastewater treatment plants, PipeFlow for fluid systems), as well as our own designed optimization software for wastewater treatment systems (EDAR Optimiza).
Our energy consultants will advise you on the implementation of improvements in the energy efficiency of your company, reducing energy consumption and therefore obtaining significant economic savings.
What are the phases to carry out a water cycle
optimization study?
We make the process as simple as possible so that our clients only have to enjoy their consumption savings.
Phases of the process

Water Footprint: The Basic Indicator
in Water Cycle Optimization Studies
in Water Cycle Optimization Studies
The water footprint is an indicator that allows us to measure the appropriation of freshwater resources, as it is used to measure the total volume of freshwater used in the production of a product or service by an organization, or consumed by an individual or community.
It is an indicator related to the optimization of the water cycle. In Eurofins Environment Testing Spain we make water footprint calculations. There are two methodologies:
- The Water Footprint Network methodology.
- The UNE-EN-ISO 14046 methodology.
Calculate the water footprint of your product, process or organization!
What is the purpose of the water footprint calculation?
- Assess water-related impacts
- Identify opportunities to reduce impacts and optimize water use efficiency
- Strategic risk management
- Achieve water use efficiency
- Optimize water management and use in products, processes or organizations
- Reduce costs and consumption
What makes us different?
Why are we the ideal supplier for a water cycle optimization study?
Points for improvement in the integral water cycle
In an organization there are several points that can be improved from the point of view of the optimization of the water cycle.
In Eurofins Environment Testing Spain we carry out an exhaustive analysis of all the variables that can be optimized to achieve maximum savings.
- PUMPING EFFICIENCY: Pumping consumption is one of the main sources of electrical energy consumption in industry. In the life cycle of a pumping system, initial investment and maintenance account for approximately 15% of the total cost, while electrical energy accounts for 85% of the cost.pumping can be optimized with very short payback periods (<2 years).
- EFLUENT SEGREGATION: Unpolluted rainwater that is not segregated is penalized with a cost due to the sanitation fee.
- Detection of leaks, unknown consumption, measurement errors….
- Detection of excessive consumption.
- Gauging campaigns: Normally there are not enough meters to individualize consumption of processes or stages.
- EDAR OPTIMIZA: application of specific services for the optimization of wastewater treatment systems.