What is Eurofins LIVE?
Eurofins Live is a digital communication and integral management platform for exclusive use by our clients, which allows them to know in real time, in an agile way and from any compatible device, the results of their samples. It also allows you to download different data and documentation of interest to your business or to create specific and customized alerts. The same system offers an online customer service that allows you to resolve any incident in a fast, secure and personalized way.
The logistics of sample transport is integrated within our App, allowing you to request materials and containers for sample collection and transport in isothermal and refrigerated boxes to our facilities.
Innovation and technology is our hallmark
The creation of the Eurofins Live application consolidates Eurofins Environment Testing Spain’s commitment to innovation and new technologies, in addition to reinforcing its vocation for service and customer orientation, one of its characteristic features.

Main features
Your results are just a click away. Download our Eurofins Live App and enjoy its advantages.