We provide answers to all the analytical needs of the sector
An emission is the release of polluting substances into the environment. These substances can be emitted by natural sources (volcanoes or forest fires) or by humans through factories, vehicles and other activities. A immission is the concentration of pollutants in the air as a result of emissions. They can be influenced by meteorology, topography and the distance between the emission source and the receptor.
The analysis of both requires a high level of technical expertise that can only be found in a network of laboratories such as Eurofins Environment Testing Spain.
Our Analysis:
Our team specializes in the following analyses of atmospheric emissions and immissions:
Gas analysis:
Medición de muestras de biogás o muestras de aire tomadas en bolsas de muestreo para análisis: metano (CH₄), hidrógeno (H2), mercaptanos (RSH), siloxanos, compuestos orgánicos volátiles, aminas (NH2R) y otros contaminantes.
Analysis of inorganic compounds:
Measurement of the concentration of gases in air such as Hydrochloric acid (HCl), Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Sulfur oxides (SO₂, SO₃), Hydrofluoric acid (HF), Ammonia (NH3), Hydrogen sulfide (H₂S), among others.
Analysis of volatile organic compounds:
Measurement of the concentration of volatile organic compounds in the air, such as BTEX, aldehydes, PAHs and other organic chemical compounds.
Metals analysis:
Measurement of metal concentrations in air, and in atmospheric depositions. Individual metals, metal packages, and metal speciation (Cr VI).
Analysis of total particles, PM10 and PM2.5:
Measurements of total particulate matter in emissions, PM10 and PM2.5 particles in immissions and settleable particles in non-channelled emissions.
Supply of sampling materials
Eurofins Environment Testing Spain is one of the few laboratories that supplies sampling materials. Our organization is characterized by the following:
Our emission and immission analysis techniques
The analysis of emissions and immissions is done with a variety of techniques and methodologies, depending on the pollutant and the nature of the sample.
At Eurofins Environment Testing Spain we are specialists in the following types of techniques:
Gas chromatography
Different types of detectors are used: mass (MS), flame ionization (FID), electron capture (ECD) and thermal conductivity detector (TCD).
High performance liquid chromatography
Separation of organic compounds according to their chemical properties, identification and quantification by ultraviolet and fluorescence.
Ion chromatography
Separation of inorganic contaminants based on their properties by electrical conductivity.
Quantification of metals in a sample by inductively coupled plasma optical emission mass spectrometry (ICP-MS, ICP-OES).
Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) – High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Identification and quantification of metal species such as Cr VI in air samples.
Identification and quantification of the inorganic components of a sample as a function of their absorbed radiation.
Quantification of the mass of particles in a sample by weighing them on highly sensitive balances under strictly controlled conditions of temperature and humidity.

ENAC Accredited Laboratories
Eurofins Environment Testing Spain laboratories are accredited under the UNE-EN ISO IEC/17.025 standard and also have double certification (UNE-EN ISO 9001: Quality Management System and UNE-EN ISO 14001: Environmental Management System).
What differentiates our laboratories?
Maximum range
We have a network of environmental laboratories distributed throughout the national territory, which makes us a reference supplier in the field of environmental analysis. In addition, we have the widest range of accredited parameters and environmental matrices, which allows us to cover all types of sectors and areas.
Guaranteed terms
The direct relationship with our customers is our “seal of identity”. We work daily to offer the highest quality in our service and therefore, one of our main goals is the rigorous compliance of delivery times. In addition, we give individualized responses to emergencies, unforeseen events or specific requirements to our customers so that they always have the most efficient response possible.
Highest quality of service
Our accreditations endorse our effort to offer the highest quality service. We work under demanding quality standards so that our environmental laboratories can offer their services with the utmost rigor and reliability.
Innovation and digitalization
Our laboratories offer their clients a wide range of equipment, equipped with the latest technologies on the market and the experience of its staff for the development of new testing methods. Innovation and technology are two hallmark values of Eurofins Environment Testing Spain. Innovation and technology are two hallmark values of Eurofins Environment Testing Spain. All our results are digitized so that the customer can consult them in real time online.
Our accreditations
We have a large number of accreditations by ENAC and other organizations that allow us to guarantee our clients the maximum reliability and quality of the results.