How does EcoNormas work?

With EcoNormas, organizations can identify, update and verify compliance with legal requirements according to environmental and/or occupational risk prevention. It is based on a simple automatic questionnaire that is completed by the user to obtain the list of applicable regulations and legal obligations of the organization. An obligation is the legal requirement written in a clear and concise way, where it is determined in a practical way what the organization must do to comply with its legal requirements.

In addition, the obligations can be managed through:

  • Inclusion of own comments.
  • Possibility of attaching documents related to each obligation.
  • Generation of tasks to help compliance with the legislation.
  • System of notices to the user’s e-mail: weekly sending of published legislative news and notices on the dates of compliance with the tasks and obligations added to the agenda.
EcoGestor Legislación Eurofins Environment
software legislación

How to perform the legal compliance verification?

With EcoNormas organizations can establish, implement and maintain a process to assess compliance with their legal requirements.

Verification can be done in a very flexible way through reports. Each report can include all the obligations applicable to the center or only those of a specific subject (ISO 14001, ISO 45001, waste, facility regulations, …) so that the user can check and record on the platform whether or not each obligation is complied with. In addition, you can attach documents as evidence and include your own comments.

Valid for ISO 14001, EMAS and ISO 45001 standards.

With EcoNormas verification it is possible to comply with ISO 14001, EMAS and ISO 45001 Management Systems in the sections related to compliance with legal requirements.

The implementation of the different environmental and/or risk prevention management systems entails high costs associated with the identification, updating and verification of compliance with legislation. With Econormas these costs are greatly reduced, because with a minimum annual price the client has all the tools to comply with these systems and always keep up to date.

Request free demo of EcoNormas service


Know its advantages


From legal requirements, accessible 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.


All information is available online.


Agenda associated to a task system.


Streamlines verification of legal compliance.


Reduces time spent interpreting regulations (obligations are clear and concise).


To e-mail.

Plans and Pricing

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Do you want to know more about Econormas?

EcoNormas is the low cost tool you need to have a legislative service that keeps you informed of your legal obligations. Request a demo now.

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