(CSR) Corporate Social Responsibility

At Eurofins Environment Testing Spain we feel responsible for people and the environment. We support the ten principles of the Global Compact concerning Human Rights, Labor Rights, the Environment and the fight against corruption.

Serving Business, Technology and the Environment

We work continuously to achieve a smooth relationship with our different stakeholders and with the environment. Thanks to a responsible and committed management, we take care that both our suppliers and ourselves work to achieve an added value in our society, under a behavior as respectful as possible with our environment.

Commitment to the Global Compact

We commit to make the Global Compact and its principles part of the strategy, culture and daily actions of Eurofins Environment Testing Spain. We commit to develop cooperative projects that contribute to the broader United Nations Development Goals, in particular the Sustainable Development Goals. Eurofins Environment Testing Spain will clearly communicate this commitment to its stakeholders and the general public.

Action and Social Commitment

We work to achieve a fluid relationship with the different stakeholders and with the environment. In this sense, thanks to responsible and committed management, we ensure that both our suppliers and the way we work, manage and relate to each other generate added value for society in order to be as respectful as possible with our environment.

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United Nations Global Compact Partnership

We are signatories of the United Nations Global Compact, and we are committed to implementing its 10 principles in our management and to contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We integrate the principles of sustainability and ethics into our business strategy and our activities.

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Supplier Code of Ethics

With the launch of the code of ethics for suppliers, we are establishing a framework of collaboration that allows us to create professional relationships based on criteria of corporate responsibility, improving economic, environmental and social results.

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Code of Conduct

We have a code of conduct based on the promotion of ethical, transparent and responsible behaviour, in order to increase the confidence of our stakeholders and society in general.

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Equality commitment

Equality plan implemented, in accordance with the guidelines established in the Organic Law 3/2007, of 22 March, for the effective balance between men and women. Eurofins IPROMA is a certified company with the equal opportunities visa. Awarded the Seal “Fent Empresa. Iguals en Opotunitats” from the Valencian Women’s Institute for Gender Equality.

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Carbon Footprint

Registry of carbon footprint, offsetting and CO2 absorption projects of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.

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Leaders in integral services for the environment. Our ENAC accreditations endorse us.

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Eurofins Enviroment Testing Spain is currently the reference in the environmental sector in Spain. Thanks to our multiple ENAC accreditations we offer a comprehensive environmental service in analysis, control and inspection.


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