Carbon Footprint

We calculate your carbon footprint and help you reduce it.

What is the Carbon Footprint

The Carbon Footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted by direct or indirect effect in the development of the activity under study, whether for the manufacture of a product, provision of a service or for the operation of an organization.

Calculating the Carbon Footprint is a key indicator to know the total greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted and therefore take actions to improve it.

At Eurofins Environment Testing Spain we calculate the Carbon Footprint of your organization or product and help you to reduce it by applying strategies based on sustainability.

Our Carbon Footprint Services

  • Carbon footprint calculation.
  • Carbon footprint reduction studies.
  • GHG measurements and calculations
  • Design of GHG emissions monitoring plans.
  • Advice on compliance with GHG emissions regulations.
  • Definition of a strategic plan for carbon footprint reduction.

We help you with your carbon footprint

Is your organization trying to bid for public tenders where carbon footprint calculation is required?

Do you want to get your seal and record of calculation of h sustainable products and your products are not?

Do you want to obtain your carbon footprint calculation seal and registration?

You are in the perfect place to find the solution to your problems. We calculate your carbon footprint and help you through the whole process in your sustainability strategy.

What is the purpose of calculating the carbon footprint?

The carbon footprint calculation is an essential indicator to establish the basis of an organization’s sustainability plan and allows us to continuously monitor how we are improving.

In a society increasingly aware of climate change, the calculation of carbon footprint is an essential tool in an organization that wants to be sustainable.

In addition, calculating the Carbon Footprint can generate important benefits:

  • Improve the organization’s image and reputation.
  • Attract investors sensitized to climate change.
  • Save costs and improve energy efficiency.
  • Ensure compliance with current and future legislation.
  • Positioning in the market and differentiating from the competition.
  • Use of accreditation seals and certifications.
  • Improve relations with society and consumers.
  • To have an easily understandable sustainability KPI.
  • It is a powerful green marketing and communication tool.
  • Bid for public tenders or bids.
  • Offset GHG emissions and make your company carbon neutral.
huella de carbono
huella de carbono

Carbon footprint calculation steps

At Eurofins Environment Testing Spain we carry out exhaustive studies for the calculation of the carbon footprint, based on the following work stages:

Define the limits of the study.

Identify sources of GHG emissions.

Define the time period for carbon footprint calculation.

Collect the activity data necessary for the calculation.

Define appropriate emission factors based on official sources.

Registration in the Carbon Footprint Registry to obtain the certificate of registration and use of the corresponding seal.

Defining and advising on the greenhouse gas reduction strategy, if necessary.

Recognized methodologies

In Eurofins Environment Testing Spain we apply internationally recognized methodologies for the calculation of the Carbon Footprint, such as the UNE ISO 14064 or GHG Protocol among others.

In addition, we have a technical team of experts in sustainability, with profiles from different fields such as engineers, physicists, biologists and with extensive experience and training in the field that will advise you throughout the process.

Why trust us?


More than 35 years of experience in environmental and sustainability issues

Multidisciplinary team

Multidisciplinary team of consultants with extensive experience and technical backgrounds


Direct treatment and close advice

International methodologies

Application of internationally recognized methodologies


Our portfolio of clients is our guarantee

Leaders in integral services for the environment. Our ENAC accreditations endorse us.

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Eurofins Enviroment Testing Spain is currently the reference in the environmental sector in Spain. Thanks to our multiple ENAC accreditations we offer a comprehensive environmental service in analysis, control and inspection.


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