We respond to all the analytical needs of the sector

Biological indicators or bio-indicators are living organisms, biological communities or biological features that are used to determine the ecological status of water bodies in terms of their response to environmental change or pollution, in accordance with the Water Framework Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC).

Its evaluation requires a high level of technical expertise that can only be found in a network of laboratories such as Eurofins Environment Testing Spain.

Types of biological indicators analysed:

Our aquatic ecology experts study the following biological indicators in relation to water quality:

Macroinvertebrates (inland and marine waters)

Phytoplankton (inland and marine waters)

Macrophytes (inland and marine waters)

Phytobenthos or diatoms



Invasive alien species (inland and marine waters)

Environmental DNA


  • Field sampling
  • Taxonomic identification in the laboratory
  • In-house developed software application for the management of the results.
  • Real-time remote consultation of all the results of taxonomic identifications included in the database.
  • Calculation of indices and metrics


  • Determination of the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton.
  • Abundance of each species.
  • Biovolume of each species and total.
  • Potential toxicity of each species
  • Trophic status of the water body.
  • Metrics: % Chlorophytes, % Cyanophytes, % Diatoms, etc.
  • Phytoplankton indices
  • Detection and quantification of blooms
  • Determination of cyanotoxins


  • Identification by optical microscopy or staining techniques
  • In-house developed software application for fast and efficient results management
  • Real-time remote consultation of all results


  • Detection of pressures due to eutrophication, acidification and salinity changes.
  • Phycotheca storage available to clients for possible future reviews and queries
  • Provision of a collection of photographs of identified taxa


  • Characterisation of fish fauna in lakes, lagoons, rivers and reservoirs by electrofishing.
  • Sampling, analysis and identification in the field and in the laboratory.
  • Own-developed computer application for the efficient management of results.
  • Real-time remote consultation of all results


  • Composition and specific diversity
  • Relative abundances
  • Internal diversity (α and γ): Shannon-Wiener index and Simpson’s index
  • Biomass (µg/ind)

Invasive alien species:

  • Taxonomic determination of invasive alien species in situ and in the laboratory
  • Investigation, control and eradication of invasive alien species

Highest specialisation in biological indices

Biological indices are tools used in ecology and limnology to assess water quality and the health of aquatic ecosystems.

At Eurofins Environment Testing Spain we are specialists in the calculation of the following biological indices:

Inland macroinvertebrates

IBMWP (Iberian Bio-Monitoring Working Party)

IASPT (Iberian Average Score Per Taxon)

METI (Multimetric Specific Type Index)

IMMi-T (Multimetric Index of Macroinvertebrates Quantitative)

MBi (Multimetric Basque Index)

IBCAEL /ABCO and RIC (Invertebrate Index in Lakes)

Benthic diatoms

SPI (Specific Polysensitivity Index)

IBD (Biological Index of Diatoms)

iDIAT-ES (Índice de Diatomáceas de Espanha)

Continental macrophytes

IBMR (River Macrophyte Biological Index)

IVAM (Index of Aquatic Macroscopic Vegetation)

MI (Macrophyte Index)


EFI+ (European Fish Index)

Integrated EFI+

BPUE (Biomass per unit effort index)

CPUE (Catch Per Unit Effort Index)

Marine macroinvertebrates

AMBI (AZTI Marine Biotic Index)

M-AMBI (AZTI Multimetric Marine Biotic Index)

TasBem (Taxonomically Sufficient Benthic Multimetric Index)

BO2A (Benthic Opportunistic Benthic Annelid and Amphipod Index)

BOPA (Benthic opportunistic polychaete and benthic amphipod index)

MEDOCC (MEDiterranean OCCidental Index)



AGI (Algal Group Index)

% of cyanobacteria

análisis Indicadores biológicos

Ecological diversity indices

Eurofins Environment Testing Spain actively promotes initiatives for the improvement of tools for the assessment of the ecological status of bodies of water, through the development of new indices based on biological quality elements that are sensitive to alterations in the optimal conditions of aquatic ecosystems.

These initiatives are developed in the field of R&D&I for the following biological indicators:




Calculation of hydromorphological indices

Hydromorphological indices are tools used to assess the quality and physical conditions of water bodies.

Eurofins Environment Testing Spain has specialised analysis laboratories for the calculation of the following hydromorphological indices:

River hydromorphological characterisation index (M-R-HMF-2015)

IHF (River Habitat Index)

QBR (Quality Riparian Forest Index)

análisis Indicadores biológicos

ENAC Accredited Laboratories

Eurofins Environment Testing Spain laboratories are accredited under the UNE-EN ISO IEC/17.025 standard and also have double certification (UNE-EN ISO 9001: Quality Management System and UNE-EN ISO 14001: Environmental Management System).

What sets our laboratories apart?

  • We have a network of environmental laboratories distributed throughout the national territory, which makes us a benchmark supplier in the field of environmental analysis. In addition, we have maximum scope in terms of accredited parameters and environmental matrices, which allows us to cover all types of sectors and areas.

  • Dealing directly with our customers is our “seal of identity”. We work every day to offer you the highest quality in our service and therefore, one of our main goals is the rigorous fulfilment of delivery deadlines. We also give individualised responses to emergencies, unforeseen events or specific requirements to our customers so that they always have the most efficient response possible.

  • Our accreditations endorse our efforts to offer a service of the highest quality. We work under demanding quality standards so that our environmental laboratories can offer their services with the utmost rigour and reliability.

  • Our laboratories offer their clients a wide range of equipment, equipped with the latest technologies on the market and the experience of their staff for the development of new testing methods. Innovation and technology are two hallmark values of Eurofins Environment Testing Spain. Innovation and technology are two of Eurofins Environment Testing Spain’s hallmarks, and all our results are digitalised so that clients can consult them online in real time.

  • We have a large number of accreditations from both ENAC and other bodies that allow us to guarantee our clients the maximum reliability and quality of the results.

Do you want to know more about Eurofins Environment Testing Spain?

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Leaders in integral services for the environment. Our ENAC accreditations endorse us.

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Eurofins Enviroment Testing Spain is currently the reference in the environmental sector in Spain. Thanks to our multiple ENAC accreditations we offer a comprehensive environmental service in analysis, control and inspection.


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