We respond to the analytical needs of the sector

Water for human consumption is water suitable and safe for human use, including drinking, cooking, personal hygiene and other domestic activities. They are regulated in Spain by Royal Decree 03/2023, which establishes the quality standards that guarantee public health.

Our laboratories have the most advanced analytical methods to meet the requirements of RD 03/2023.

The Eurofins Environment Testing Spain laboratory network is accredited by the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard for analysis of water for consumption, including emerging contaminants such as:









Types of analysis of water for consumption

Our laboratories perform the following analyses for the control of drinking water:

Routine control

Complete analysis

Control analysis

Radioactivity control

Operational control

Water characterization

Control on tap

Vessel control

Parameters analyzed – Analysis of water for consumption

The RD 03/2023 establishes the parameters to be controlled in each type of analysis. At Eurofins Environment Testing Spain we are specialists in your analysis:

Routine control:

  • Color, taste and odor
  • Turbidity
  • pH

Complete analysis:

  • Combined chlorine residual, Free chlorine residual, Color, Odor and Taste.
  • Escherichia coli, Enterococcus intestinalis, Coliform bacteria, Colony count at 22ºC, Somatic coliphages and Clostridium perfringens (including spores).
  • Conductivity, Turbidity, pH, Oxidability, Sodium, Sulfate, Bromate, Chlorate, Ammonium, Nitrate, Nitrites, Fluoride, Chloride, Total Cyanide, Chlorite, Langelier Index, Total organic carbon.
  • Iron, Manganese, Copper, Total Chromium, Aluminum, Lead, Selenium, Nickel, Antimony, Arsenic, Cadmium, Boron, Mercury and Uranium.
  • Microcystin – LR.
  • Acrylamide, Benzene, Benzo(a)pyrene, Fluoranthene, Bisphenol A, Vinyl Chloride, 1 2-Dichloroethane, Epichlorohydrin, ∑5 Haloacetic Acids (HAH), ∑4 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) ∑20 PFAS, ∑n Pesticides, ∑n, ∑2 Trichloroethene + Tetrachloroethene and ∑4 Trihalomethanes (THMs).

Control analysis:

  • Escherichia coli, intestinal Enterococcus, coliform bacteria and colony count at 22 ºC.
  • Color, taste and odor
  • pH, conductivity and turbidity

Radioactivity control:

  • Total Alpha Activity
  • Beta Activity Rest

Operational control:

  • Turbidity
  • Somatic coliphages

Water characterization:

  • Hardness
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium

Control on tap:

  • Escherichia coli, colony count at 22 ºC
  • Color and turbidity
  • pH and conductivity
  • Free residual chlorine
  • Lead

Vessel control:

  • Escherichia coli and Legionella spp.
  • Lead, iron, copper, total chromium, vinyl chloride, and Bisphenol a

Drinking water sanitation plans:

We carry out and advise on the development of tailor-made health plans. Contact us without obligation.

Formation of the work team

Description of the supply area

Hazard identification (biological or physical-chemical contaminants)

Identification of risk, critical points and control points

Description of corrective and preventive measures to be taken

Control and verification of the adequacy and effectiveness of the measures adopted

Periodic review of the PSA

Why should you choose us?

  • We have a network of laboratories distributed throughout the national territory, which makes us a reference supplier in the field of environmental analysis. In addition, we have the widest range of accredited parameters and environmental matrices, which allows us to cover all types of sectors and areas.

    • Automatic generation of files for communication of results to the Ministry of Health.
    • Management of results for inclusion in the National Drinking Water Information System (SINAC).
    • Advice on possible errors with the tool
  • The direct relationship with our customers is our “seal of identity”. We work daily to offer the highest quality in our service and therefore, one of our main goals is the rigorous compliance of delivery times. In addition, we give individualized response to emergencies, unforeseen events or specific requirements so that our customers always have the most efficient response possible.

  • Our accreditations endorse our effort to offer the highest quality service. We work under demanding quality standards so that our environmental laboratories can offer their services with the utmost rigor and reliability.

  • Our laboratories offer their clients a wide range of equipment, equipped with the latest technologies on the market and the experience of their staff for the development of new testing methods. Innovation and technology are two of Eurofins Environment Testing Spain’s hallmark values. Innovation and technology are two hallmark values of Eurofins Environment Testing Spain. All our results are digitized so that the customer can consult them in real time online.

Do you want to know more about Eurofins Environment Testing Spain?

Contact with us

Leaders in integral services for the environment. Our ENAC accreditations endorse us.

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Eurofins Enviroment Testing Spain is currently the reference in the environmental sector in Spain. Thanks to our multiple ENAC accreditations we offer a comprehensive environmental service in analysis, control and inspection.


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